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Art Contest for the Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center: Please Help Share!

Art Contest for the Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center: Please Help Share!

We are excited to announce the launch of Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center's 45th Anniversary T-Shirt Art Contest!! We are blasting this news to all of our surrounding CO communities that we serve at CTRC, and could use your help in small ways to get the word out! 

  • All ages and abilities are welcome to enter! 
  • Theme: “Horses Changing Lives.” - Let your creativity capture the transformative relationship between humans and horses.
  • Open for entries Feb.17-Mar.28
  • The winning artwork of this contest will be the featured art of our 45th Anniversary T-shirts, which will assist in this year's fundraising efforts and CTRC awareness.
We are very excited about this contest and the buzzing publicity it could create for CTRC

Please feel free to share, make copies, etc. of the attached flyer and contest website with your community, OR anyone you know who would be interested in sharing their talent. And don't count yourself out if YOU would like to enter!
We hope you are able to assist us in this launch, even in the smallest way. Feel free to reply back and let me know where you'll be sharing this exciting news!
Thanks again, as we hope this brings more eyes on CTRC and support for what we do. Together, we can continue to change lives!
I'm happy to answer any and all questions as well.
Jess Hansen

Operations Manager

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Media Contact : Jess Hansen

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